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Fall Freshen up Ideas

The leaves are changing colors, the air is becoming crisp, and pumpkin spice lattes are everywhere, it's safe to say that fall is here! As we prepare for the winter months ahead there are a few things you can do around the house, both inside and outside to tidy up and prepare for the cold.

Outside the House:


Taking a few moments to power wash any areas that may need it can make a huge difference when spring comes back around.

Embrace Fall!

If you’re really in the mood for fall, hang a fall-themed wreath on your front door, or maybe snatch up a few colorful mums to enjoy on your front steps.

Clean out the Garage

Throughout the summer tools get used, boxes get rummaged through, and supplies end up everywhere! Save yourself the hassle in the spring and take a moment to tidy up the garage before the snow starts falling, it’s also a great opportunity to spray for bugs that may try to make their way inside as the weather gets colder.

Remove Window Screens

Prevent excessive wear and tear on your window screens by taking them out and cleaning them off before storing them away for the winter.

Clear off the Deck

Extend the life of your patio furniture by storing it in a dry area before the snow falls.

Clean Gutters

After most of the leaves have fallen it’s wise to have your gutters cleaned to remove any debris and ensure water can properly flow down the gutters and away from the foundation of your home.

Mow/ Rake Leaves

If you’re fortunate enough to own a riding lawn mower with a mulching bag attachment then you’re good to go! For those of you who have to spend time raking the leaves, think of it as a workout and remember that it’s much easier to take care of them now rather than trying to deal with wet leaves in the spring!

Winterize Faucets

Don’t forget to winterize any outdoor faucets and store away any water hoses!

Inside the House:

Boot Tray

Believe it or not, it’s time to get out the boot tray! Cold weather brings in a plethora of dead leaves, tree debris, dirt, rain, and snow, all of which gets tracked throughout our home. Cut back on the mess by enforcing the “take your shoes off at the door” rule and use a boot tray by the door to help contain the mess.


With the weather changing it’s as good of a time as any to sort through and organize drawers, closets, and entryways!


Cut back on heating costs by remembering to weatherstrip your windows and doorways. This also helps to prevent a draft and make your home as efficient as possible.

Clean Behind Furniture

While you’re checking to make sure your windows aren’t drafty you could also spend some time moving around your furniture and cleaning behind the couch, T.V, and bookshelf.

Change Smoke Detector Batteries

Around the holidays it’s especially important to remember to change the batteries in your smoke detector/carbon monoxide detector and to make sure they are working properly.

Change out Bedding

Wash your comforter, bring out heavier blankets, and flip the mattress! Any time the seasons change it's a good idea to also wash your pillows! Learn more about how to properly wash your pillows here. If you’re really in the mood for fall weather and getting cozy you could also burn a fall scented candle! Check out our favorites here.

Bring out the Sweaters

Freshen up your closet and swap out any seasonal summertime clothing that may not be needed for a few months.

Clean the Pantry

As the weather gets colder, it can be a great time of the year to try out any baking recipes you’ve been holding on to throughout the summer months. It’s also a good time to clean out the pantry and take inventory of the stock you have in order to prepare for the holiday season!

How do you get ready for fall? Leave us a suggestion in the comment box below!

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